Posted on September 02, 2020

How Do You Treat Prostate Cancer

One in every 9 American men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis. While receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis is scary, there is not a rush to decide on a treatment pathway. It’s important to discuss treatment options with your doctor, so you can make a decision that best fits your needs.

Important considerations:

  • The stage and grade of your cancer.
  • Your age.
  • Other serious health conditions you may have.
  • Possible side effects of treatment.

At PCI, we understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to prostate cancer treatment. Our Urology providers treat more cancer patients than any other team in the Cedar Rapids area because we specialize in a variety of advanced cancer treatments.

In the event of a prostate cancer diagnosis, PCI urology providers believe in building relationships with patients and families. They are here to help you understand your treatment options, what to expect, how to manage side effects, and how to prevent adverse events.

Some of the treatment options you may consider are:

  • Active Surveillance. If your prostate cancer is slow growing, and you have other health issues to consider, you may engage in what is called “active surveillance.” You and your health provider will develop a testing schedule in order to monitor your condition closely.
  • Surgery. PCI urologists use the latest in robotic surgery technology to offer a minimally invasive approach to surgery. Our doctors perform surgical oncology for a variety of conditions, including prostate cancer. We work with patients before and after surgery to explain what to expect, catheter teaching, activity restrictions and post-op teaching including management and resolution of erectile dysfunction and incontinence.
    • Prostatectomy - removal of the prostate and surrounding tissue for prostate cancer treatment. PCI’s urology surgeons are the only ones in this area offering robotic single port prostatectomy surgery, a minimally invasive surgery that removes the prostate via a single incision.
  • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) – This is more frequently used to treat non-cancerous enlarged prostate, however, can sometimes be used to relieve symptoms of advanced prostate cancer.
  • Chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can be used if prostate cancer has spread outside the prostate.
  • Radiation. Radiation can be used as a first treatment for low grade prostate cancer or prostate cancer that has spread. If the cancer is advanced, radiation can help keep the cancer under control.
    • Brachytherapy - Brachytherapy is a form of radiotherapy where a sealed radiation source is placed inside or next to the cancerous area.
    • External Beam Radiation (EBRT) – Beams of radiation are focused on the prostate gland from outside the body.
      • SpaceOAR Hydrogel: A brand new option for men who undergo radiation treatment for prostate cancer. It acts as a spacer providing space between the rectum and the prostate, reducing radiation exposure to the rectum. It is injected into place prior to the start of radiation treatment. Patients may be awake or asleep under general anesthesia for the procedure. SpaceOAR Hydrogel remains stable during radiation therapy and then is gradually absorbed by the body after radiation therapy has been completed.

PCI is one of the few full-service Urology clinics to offer Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy to prostate cancer patients. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy can help tremendously with surgery preparation and help to alleviate side effects.

Jenny Herting, PT, MPT, provides Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy at PCI. She treats both men and women for a variety of urologic disorders. For prostate cancer specifically, Jenny:

  • Provides pre-operative instruction to establish an appropriate home exercise program in preparation for surgery.
  • Instructs in proper pelvic floor exercise techniques to ensure best results.
  • Provides exercises to help strengthen and coordinate the pelvic muscles to improve bladder control.
  • Provides strategies to improve bladder control with daily tasks.
  • Educates patients in appropriate bladder habits to improve bladder control.

If you or a loved one are concerned about prostate cancer or potential risks, contact Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa Urology. Our highly trained, board certified providers work with you to diagnose, educate, treat and provide pre- and post-surgical therapies to improve your symptoms and quality of life. Call (319) 363-8171. Referral not needed unless required by your insurance.