Posted on April 02, 2020

PCI Now Offering Telehealth Appointments

Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa is now offering telehealth appointments for most primary and specialty care clinics. Patients can connect with their providers by computer or mobile devices via PCI’s patient portal. Patients calling to schedule or reschedule appointments will be given the option to utilize telehealth, if the technology can be applied to their unique situation.

If you have questions about telehealth at PCI, please call (319) 247-3010 or log into your PCI portal account by going to and clicking “Patient Portal Login.”

Please Note: If you think you've been exposed to COVID-19, or you've developed symptoms associated with the virus (fever, cough and difficulty breathing), please call before visiting any medical facility. Proper screening and assessment will occur over the phone, and you'll be advised on next steps. These precautions are important, as they help protect others from being exposed to the virus.